You wouldn’t fly in a plane with wooden wings
Friend of Shack West Geoff Dudley is terrified for the future of the National Broadband Network – also known as the NBN.
Here is his recent email to The Age in response to an article published on 3rd March which suggests “the Coalition’s Malcolm Turnbull wants to save money by running fibre to cabinets that will sit on footpaths”.
Imagine you’re sitting in a state-of-the-art passenger jet, an Airbus A380. The plane has wooden wings because the manufacturer decided to save money on making metal ones on the urging of the Liberal Party. It’s not going to fly far or fast nor carry a full load because wooden planes are examples of ancient early 20th century technology.
Australia’s telephone copper network is also ancient 20th century technology. Yet the Coalition, if it gains office, wants to keep using that last few metres of ancient technology connected to your house or business, to save money. (The Age 3/3/13)
What part of “The copper network is not designed for high speed data” does the Opposition not understand? By keeping the copper, the end result is the same as that of a modern jet with wooden wings.
We must continue connecting the NBN by fibre to all our homes and businesses.
Geoff Dudley is a technology enthusiast and was a regular contributor to informative technology talk show Tech Talk Radio.