WordPress 3.6 now available
We love WordPress. It’s our web publishing platform and CMS of choice. It’s a versatile, mature development platform with an extensive developer community.
The latest version, WordPress 3.6, has just been released. You can download it now.
Here’s what’s new:
- New Default Theme – Twenty Thirteen
- Focus on blogging
- Single column layout with Sidebar / Widgets in the footer
- Latest Theme Features support, particularly Post Formats
- Font-based icons (Genericons)
- Admin Enhancements
- Menus UI improvements
- Revisions revised to be more dynamic and scalable
- Autosave and Post Locking
- Preview Audio and Video on Media Edit Screen
- In-line login following expired sessions
- For Developers
- External Libraries have been updated
- New audio/video APIs give developers access to powerful media metadata, like ID3 tags
- Filters for revisions, allowing you to set the number of revisions ad hoc instead of only via a define
- Semantic Markup allows themes to chose improved HTML5 markup for comment forms, search forms, and comment lists
- Search content for shortcodes with ‘has_shortcode()’ and adjust shortcode attributes with a new filter
Some of What’s New
- Use digraphs for German umlauts in ‘remove_accents()’
- Use Ellipses instead of …
- Consistently apply ‘register’ filter
- Automatically ‘esc_url()’ the URL echoed by ‘the_permalink()’
- Allow developers to specify an Accept-Encoding header in WP_Http::accept_encoding()
- Pass tag object and args array to topic_count_text_callback from ‘wp_generate_tag_cloud()’
- Use ‘wp_unslash()’ instead of ‘stripslashes_deep’
- Improve the performance of ‘backslashit()’ by avoiding regular expressions
- Disallow accidental or negligent deregistering of critical scripts in the admin. Covers jQuery, jQuery UI, Underscore, and Backbone
- Remove ‘the_title_attribute()’ from anchors with ‘the_title()’ as text
- Display username (user_login) rather than user_nicename in Toolbar below username
- The Revision Management UI saw significant improvement
- Shortcode attributes can now be filtered via shortcode_atts_$shortcode hook
- The ability to change post formats was removed from Quick Edit
- A ‘not_found’ label was added for non-hierarchical taxonomys
- Better UX for dealing with multiple users editing the same content (aka Post Locking)
- Audio/Video support: more info
- Add ‘oEmbed’ support for Rdio and Spotify
- .webm (video/webm) was added to the MIME types list
- The Media Library can now be sorted by Author name
- Bug fixed where initial gallery link-to setting wasn’t applied
- Return from ‘image_downsize()’ earlier if a custom resize function is used
- Orientation information was added to items in ‘gallery_shortcode()’
- New Audio and Video previews are available on the ‘Media > Edit’ Screen
- Added ‘wp_audio_shortcode()’ and ‘wp_video_shortcode()’
- Improve ‘wp_list_comments()’ markup
- Add the ability to use HTML5 input types in the comment form
- The Navigation Menus UI got a significant refresh
- The Customizer can now be accessed via the Appearance menu
- Screen options can now be added to the ‘Appearance > Widgets’ Screen
- Prevent plugins from overriding jQuery in the admin
- Prevent plugins with certain filenames from breaking links in the admin menu
- Remove the three default contact methods (AIM, YIM, Jabber) for new installs.
- Pass old roles to ‘set_user_role’ action
- The workflow for deleting users has been improved
- Allow any post format to be set as default in ‘Settings > Writing’ Screen
- Better keyboard/screen reader accessibility in the Nav Menus UI
- Background image’s “select a file” link works with keyboard navigation
Under The Hood
- Use official MIME types for Windows Media file extensions
- Redirect after save on options-permalink.php to ensure permalinks are fully flushed
- Only show database errors if both WP_DEBUG and WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY are enabled
Bug Fixes
- Lots. Full list here.
- Pass blog_id to the wpmu_drop_tables filter
- XML-RPC: Return an error for getRecentPosts (mw and blogger) if the user does not have edit_posts
- XML-RPC: Standardize home/site url labels with core labels
- Preserve alpha in ‘WP_Image_Editor_GD’ when images are not resized
- Make sure WP_Http funnels all redirect requests through ‘WP_Http::request()’ to ensure the proper transport is used
- Over 30 new functions have been introduced for developers. Full list here.
- 11 new filters have been added in existing functions. Full list here.
Scripts and External Libraries
- Update to jQuery Color 2.2.1
- Update to Backbone 1.0.0
- Update to jQuery UI 1.10.3
- Services_JSON 1.0.3
- Iris 1.0.3
- hoverIntent r7
- MediaElement.js 2.11.1 (New)
- Deprecate ‘wp_convert_bytes_to_hr()’ in favor of ‘size_format()’
- Deprecate ‘get_user_id_from_string()’ in favor of ‘get_user_by()’ where `$field` is ’email’ or ‘login’
This feature list was sourced with permission from the WordFence developer team at www.wordfence.com.